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The MovieGoer- Walking With Dinosaurs

alec vanderboom

If you've got a dinosaur lover in your family, add "Walking With Dinosaurs" to your Netflick's queue. This incredible TV series from the BBC equally entertains kids & adults. Kenneth Branaugh's narration & computer animation recreate the wonder of the Mutual of Omaha productions that we all remember from our childhood. Rent it today and add the word "Postosuchus" to your toddlers vocabulary.

For more dino fun, and so you look oh so knowledgeable at your next visit to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, check out the series website to get the proper spelling and pronouncation of all your new favorite dinos. (This is how I keep up with my 2 year old son. My two years of high school Latin, unfortunately, did not include nearly enough dinosaur names.)